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US Media Search Analyst- Spanish Language

Visits: 953
State: Florida
County: Miami-Dade
Category: Technology
Job type: Temporal agreement
Work experience: 1 to 2 years
The Role:
Evaluation of online task types related to Music, Video, App Store and HomePod to help improve the overall quality and relevance of online content and research.
What are the main requirements for the job?
● Fluency in English & Spanish is essential
● You must be living in United States for a minimum of 1 year
● Apple user - Your email address must be associated with an Apple ID
● Experience/know-how of Apple products is mandatory
● All candidates will need to pass online evaluations to demonstrate capability of reading and applying the guidelines.
Benefits & Perks:
● Flexible hours (up to 20hrs per week) to work around home life
● Better Work-Life balance
● Remote work & location independence
● Positive environmental impact
● Independent contractor role
Apply to: https://jobs.telusinternational.com/en_US/careers/PipelineDetail/Media-Search-Analyst-USA-Spanish-Language/27902

Dalia Kharoufeh

User since: May 15, 2022
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