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Freshly Vet Checked Home Trained Capuchin Monkeys for Adoption

Visits: 2512
State: Florida
County: Miami-Dade
Ad type: Ofrecimiento
I have Two capuchin monkeys for free adoption and ready to good homes . These babies are on the bottle and wearing diapers . Babies come with all paper work including health certificate . Babies ? are Raised in our home with dogs, cats kits . We have been working with monkeys for over 10 weeks All babies come with starter kits including bottles, diapers, formula, baby blankets & toys . Our babies are vet checked and come with a health certificate . Feel free to contact us now if you feel you can give a good home to one of our babies. We will provide you with pictures . get back for more and delivery information.


User since: Aug 17, 2023
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