Home  » Pets  » Dogs  »Listing #488

Two Registered Yorkshire Terrier

Visits: 2647
State: Wisconsin
County: Shawano
Race: Yorkshire
Gender: Macho
These beautiful little pups are now ready to move into their new homes! Yorkies make wonderful additions to the family. They are very affectionate, loving and the perfect size to take with you anywhere. They are completely non shedding and hypo allergenic. We expect that they will be 3 to 5lbs once they are full grown

**Pictures are of the actual puppies....what you see is what you get**

Males and females to choose from. Contact us at
Contact us : (kimdarrel0@gmail.com)
Text / call :(330) 910 0534
Whatsapp : +1 (510) 842-5184
Email : (kimdarrel0@gmail.com)


User since: Aug 17, 2023
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