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Life after Deatth - The Journey of Your Soul This book conveys knowledge about very basic spiritual correlations. It contains incisive questions...
The Message of Truth. A person grows older – however, to be old is to be imprinted by a wrong way of thinking and acting. To accept your age mean...
El microcosmos en el macrocosmos. Que «Ninguna energía se pierde» es conocido de forma general, pero, ¿qué significa esto para cada persona? Quien...
The human being is an energy field of the Spirit. A weakening of this energy field through negative thinking and living leads to illness. The rig...
The Word of the Universal Creator-Spirit Did you ever have the feeling that you were connected to a higher power, but not a religion – because the...
Este libro de Gabriele nos quiere explicar la vida en la Tierra y la vida en el Más allá, el nacimiento y la muerte, el margen de tiempo de vida y ...
The Prophecy of God today. Not the word of the Bible The messages from the All contain answers to man’s fundamental questions that are not explain...
La ayuda que Dios ofrece. Quien es capaz de observar el desastre del mundo, y también de analizarlo, se da cuenta de que los seres humanos estamos...
His Prophetess of the Present Time, Gabriele. “I never wanted to be a prophet.” Read the biography of a woman of the people, who was called by God...
A small gift for you. “Don’t Let Go!” – these are three words spoken into our heart by Gabriele. They have a very deep meaning for those people w...
Where is our homeland? Are we at home in this world? Or are we only passing through, more or less as a tolerated guest? Is visible matter the basis...
The human being is an energy field of the Spirit. A weakening of this energy field through negative thinking and living leads to illness. The rig...
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